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The front cover of the book "FEAR" by Michael Grant features a dark figure with glowing green eyes and a menacing expression.

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Q: Who is on the front cover on the book FEAR by Michael Grant?
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Who is on the back cover of fear by Michael Grant?

It was confirmed by Michael Grant that Sam and Dekka would be on the back cover of Fear.

Who is on the front cover of fear by Michael grant?

I think it's Sanjit and Lana. Or Sanjit and Diana.

What does the cover of Fear by Michael Grant look like?

In the Australian cover it was origianaly going to be-Darkness- with the words in the purple. Unfortunately the word -darkness-dosent fit across the cover so the word will be -fear- in purple. The US version has Quinn and Dianna on the front and Sam and Dekka on the back. There, I hope that helped

When does Fear by Michael Grant come out?

April 3, 2012

Who are the people in the cover of fear by Micheal grant?

I belive they're Lana and Sanjit

Will there be a book after plague?

The next two books in Michael Grant's series are Fear and Light.

When is the fourth Michael grant book coming out?

Fear is the fifth and penultimate novel of Michael Grant's Gone series. It has been confirmed that Fear will be released in early February 2012. It has also been confirmed that on the US front cover are Quinn and Diana, and on the back: Sam and Dekka. The following is ten Fear spoilers handwritten by Michael Grant: 1) Remember that it was originally titled DARKNESS. 2) At one point Sam will rub Diana's tummy. 3) Astrid-haters will love her by the end. 4) There's a surprising "coming out." 5)... A heart will be broken. 6) You will learn why Sam and not Caine. 7) There is a huge betrayal. 8) Someone will lose their virginity. 9) Someone we know well will die. 10) A scene so dark and anguished my editors wanted me to tone it down. (Of course I didn't. How long have you known me?) The final Gone novel will be entitled Light.

Who wrote the 2014 book Messenger of Fear?

Messenger of Fear was written by Michael Grant. The book was published on January 1st 2014.The novel falls within the young adult, paranormal fantasy genre.

When will Michael grant's next book's come out?

there is Gone, then Hunger, Lies, Plague (that came out April 5th 2011), Darkness/Fear, and the final book is called light

Is Michael grant making a 4th gone book?

Yes! it's called Plague. There are going to be two more books after that and I believe the 5th is Fear and the 6th is Light.

When is fear by Michael grant being released?

FearFear is the fifth and penultimate installment of Michael Grant's Gone series. The only thing confirmed about Fear is that there will be many more deaths than the previous books. Michael Grant has handwritten ten clues following major events in Fear:1) Remember that it was originally titled DARKNESS.2) At one point Sam will rub Diana's tummy.3) Astrid-haters will love her by the end.4) There's a surprising "coming out."5)... A heart will be broken.6) You will learn why Sam and not Caine.7) There is a huge betrayal.8) Someone will lose their virginity.9) Someone we know well will die.10) A scene so dark and anguished my editors wanted me to tone it down. (Of course I didn't. How long have you known me?)Fear will be released within early 2012, most likely April.LightLight is the sixth and final installment of Michael Grant's Gone series. Nothing is yet known or been confirmed about Light.

What is the difference in fear and afraid?

Michael Jackson.