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Q: Who is prone to central obesity?
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Why are children now more prone to child obesity?

Children are more prone to obesity because their parents sit them in front of the computer or in front of the television instead of making them play.

Does race have anything to do with obesity?

Medical studies have shown that genetics, socioeconomic class, medical history, and lifestyle influence obesity. Studies have shown that in the United States, African-Americans and Hispanics are more prone to obesity and diabetes than Caucasians and Asians.

Why is the central part of the US known as tornado alley?

The central part of the United States is the most tornado-prone region in the world and is particularly prone to intense tornadoes that cause major damage.

Do guinea pigs eat a lot?

Yes, they do! Guinea pigs are known to be, well pigs, and are prone to obesity like many rodents.

Do the central plain states get the most tornadoes?

Yes. That is the most tornado-prone area in the world.

What is a health hazard linked with obesity?

Obesity has many health hazards. The excess weight you carry damages the joints giving rise to arthritis at an early age, more prone to get diabetes and heart disease. You may develop problems with mobility and during any Surgical procedures you are more likely to get chest and wound infections and clots in the veins. You will also be prone to get piles, varicose veins and hiatus and abdominal wall hernia

How long do daschuands live for?

The average lifespan of Dachsunds is 12.7 years. Because of their long spinal column, they are prone to serious back issues. These can be exacerbated by obesity or excessive exercise.

What the best title for research paper 'obesity'?

How about "Obesity".

How do you avoid obesity as an adolescent teenager?

Normally, the average teenager likes to indulge in junk food, such as fried chips, candies, and other such oily or sugary items. In that time of adolescence the body is prone to gaining a lot of weight with the slightest oily food. To avoid obesity it would be best to eat healthy. Starving oneself is not the answer. This is a serious condition called anorexia nervosa so don't starve, just eat healthy and you will most definitely avoid obesity.

What is the area of central US that features many tornadoes is known as tornado?

The region of the U.S. most prone to tornadoes is called "Tornado Alley."

Can golden hamsters eat living mealworms?

Yes, they're a good source of protein, but try to use it more as a treat than as food because hamsters are very prone to obesity and diabetes.

Where does obesity lead to?

What leads to obesity