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Q: Who is responsible for calling the fire brigade and taking the register?
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Store employees may be responsible for calling 911 in certain situations, such as if there is an emergency or a crime is taking place. However, it ultimately depends on the store's policies and the specific circumstances. Employees should follow their employer's guidelines and prioritize the safety and well-being of customers and staff.

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She organized children to help the movement by taking over small duties and called it vanar sena

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by calling the police or taking it into their own hands

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Why is it important to be mature and responsible?

Well, when one matures into an adult, it is very important to be a responsible individual. Because if you don't, you will not be successful in anything you do, such as a job, taking care of your children, taking care of a pet, etc. This is why it is very important to be a mature and responsible individual.

What are duties and responsibilities of pawnshop teller?

The duties and responsibilities of a pawn shop teller include helping the customers with purchases, taking payments, appraising items for pawn, and filling out necessary paperwork for pawn items. The teller is responsible for preparing daily cash reports from their cash register.

Where can I register for the ACT?

To register for you act classes the best place would be to go to your local college or the college of your choice and there you will find the help and everything you need to begin taking the Act class.

Who do you think is responsible for earth?

We are all responsible for taking care of the earth. As for how the earth began, it all started with the Big Bang.

What European was responsible for taking over the Aztec civilization?

Hernán Cortés

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When does one register for SATs?

The SATs are generally offered 2 different times during the year depending on your local venue where you will be taking them. Check with the local venue to see what the deadline is for your particular testing. You may need to register anywhere from three months to two-weeks prior to taking the testing.