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Q: Who is responsible for starting smallpox inoculations in British north America?
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What sickness came from the Europeans in America?


Why didn't Europeans die of smallpox as much?

The europeans had a immunity built up to smallpox by the time they made it over to america

What population does smallpox mostly affect?

United States of America

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What disease came from europe to america?

Some diseases brought over from Europe to the Americas included smallpox and measles.

What is the deadliest disease in America?

Heart disease is the deadliest disease in America, being the leading cause of death for both men and women. It is responsible for a significant number of fatalities each year due to factors such as obesity, high blood pressure, and unhealthy lifestyle habits.

Which diseases killed more native America than did Spanish swords?

Measles and smallpox

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How did the first nations catch smallpox?

they caught it by high fevers and blisters, and when they traded with the British.

How did smallpox effect the aboriginals when the Europeans arrived in North America?

The Europeans affected the aboriginals by decreasing population

What type of disease did the European immigrants bring to America?

Smallpox, Tuberculosis, Measles, Influenza, Whooping Cough, Malaria.

How did smallpox spread from Africa to Europe?

During the slave days there was a triangle of goods being shipped. Europe shipped weapons to Africa, Africa shipped slaves to America, ans America shipped sugar to Europe. On one of the gun runs a European captain caught smallpox and brought it back with him.