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the corporation

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Q: Who is responsible for the debt of a corporation?
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Who is responsible for corporations debt?

the corporation

Who is responsible for a corporation debt?

the corporation

Who is responsible for a corporation?

The corporation is responsible for the corporation's debt. Normally, there is a financial officer who pays the bills. If the corporation fails and goes bankrupt, people simply do not get paid. If the company is bankrupt and there is money, a judge appoints someone to pay according to a plan.

If a corporation is sued for selling unsafe products and loses the suit and is held liable who is responsible for the debt?

the shareholders

When a business owner dies who is responsible for the debt?

If it is a sole proprietorship, then the estate will have to pay the debts. If it is a corporation, and the "owner" held all of the stock, then the corporation will have to pay all the debts.

What statement about corporations is not true?

their shareholders are responsible for the corporation's actions and debts Their shareholders are responsible for the corporation's actions and debts Their shareholders are responsible for the corporation's actions and debts kking kkilla Their shareholders are responsible for the corporation's actions and debts Their shareholders are responsible for the corporation's actions and debts Their shareholders are responsible for the corporation's actions and debts

Who is responsible for church debt?

who is responsible for baptist church debt

My Step-father died am i responsible for his debt?

No, you are not responsible for his debt. His estate has that responsibility.

How many years are you responsible for a debt?

There is no specific amount of years that you are responsible for a debt. This depends entirely of the terms of the debt.

Who is responsible for marital debt?

Both of the spouses are responsible for the debt. They both benefited from the debt, so they are held responsibility.

Are you responsible for your siblings debt?

You are not responsible for your sibling's debt unless you co-signed and agreed to be responsible for it. If you co-sign for a debt and the primary borrower doesn't pay then you will be held responsible for repayment.

What is the purpose of the Debt counseling Corporation?

The purpose of the Debt Councelling Corporation is to help it's clients to get out of debt. They offer debt management, bankruptcy services and housing counselling, in addition to educating clients about their financial situations.