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Texas is a community property state and the issue of marital debt is complexed as it is not considered a "true" CP state due to the way in which marital debt responsibility is assigned. In most cases the surviving spouse can be held responsible for the credit card debts of the deceased spouse if the surviving spouse the account even though he or she was not named as an account holder. The best choice is always to discuss such matters with an attorney qualified in the state's probate law.

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Q: Who is responsible for your deceased spouse's credit card debt in Texas?
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Can a credit card company collect from you after your spouse's death in Texas?

Texas is a CP state, that being the case it might be possible for a creditor to hold the surviving spouse responsible for the deceased's debt if the estate is not adequate for repayment. Whether or not it is viable option for the creditor depends upon the type of debt that was incurred.

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She is not directly responsible. The estate is going to be responsible. And since she will likely be getting the bulk of the estate, paying off the debt will reduce her amount.

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The surviving spouse is only responsible for credit card debt if the account were joint or the married couple lived in a community property state; (Texas and Wisconsin treat marital debt differently than other CP states). Death benefits from life insurance with a named beneficiary or SS death benefit are not subject to creditor action for repayment of the deceased debts.

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The account should be presented to the executor of the estate (not just a family member) before payment. That is, unless the deceased paid the bill before dying--then it goes through.

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If the debt was made when they were still married the answer is yes. STATED BY AUTHOR

In Texas can collection agency legally pursue a wife for payment arrangements if she is not on the account?

Yes, in most instances a spouse can be held accountable. Texas is a community property state, both spouses are considered to be equal owners of assets and equally responsible for debts regardless of which spouse incurred that debt.

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Spouses are not responsible for their spouses' children. However, the State can and will place liens on assets to collect child support, so the spouse could end up losing money if s/he is a joint owner of those assets.See links below

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The estate is responsible for the medical bills. And since the wife is likely to inherit the estate, it sort of seems like the same thing, but there is a subtle difference. You should consult a good probate attorney.

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Texas Credit Union League was created in 1934.

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If your name and your deceased spouse name is on your car title and you want to trade in this car can you do this without removing deceased spouse name from car title in the state of Texas?

If you and your deceased spouse were listed as "OR" on the title, it only takes on signature to release the title to the new owner. However, if the names were listed with "AND", then both signatures would be required. Since this is no longer physically possible, you need to take the title, along with the certificate of death, to the motor vehicle office and have your deceased spouses name removed from said title before you even attempt to sell or trade in this auto.