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Q: Who is series of experiments identified the nucleus of an atom?
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How are atoms identified?

Atoms are normally identified according to the element of which that atom is an example. And that, in turn, is determined by the number of protons in the atom's nucleus. So, any atom that has just one proton is a hydrogen atom. If it has two protons it is a helium atom. And so forth.

How do you know most of the mass of an atom is located in the nucleus?

the experiments of Ernest Rutherford in 1910

Rutherfords alpha scattering experiments showed that the charge on the nucleus of the atom must be?

The atomic nucleus is positive because contain protons.

What is the particle that identifies a atom?

The number of protons in an atom's nucleus determines its chemical identity.

Electrons are organized in a series of what around the nucleus of an atom?

Electron shells, orbitals, and sub-orbitals.

What experiment did Niels Bohr do?

nies bohr created the theory of the atom. that all atom revolves around dog nucleus

Where is the location of electrons?

The electron can either be by itself outside of an atom, or can be in an atom in a series of energy 'shells' outside of the nucleus.

What did Sir ernest Rutherford do?

He identified the alpha particle as a helium atom and used it in postulating the existence of the atomic nucleus.

What discoveries about the atom did Rutherford make from Hus teams experiments?

He discovered that an atom's positive charge must be clustered in a tiny region in its center, the nucleus

Who developed the first model of an atom with electrons on the outside?

Ernest Rutherford developed the first nucleus and electron model of the atom. It was based on experiments conducted by Geiger and Marsden.

What is the center of an atom called?

The center of an atom is called a nucleus (nucleifor plural).Center of an atom is called the "Nucleus".

What is the dense center of the atom called?

the denser part of an atom is the nucleus. about 99% of the mass of an atom is concentrated within the atom.