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Hera was strongly on the Greeks, she was a Greek goddesses.

She wounded Ares just because he was a Trojan.

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Q: Who is side did Hera do in the Trojan war?
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Whose side was Hera on during the Trojan War?

The Trojans.

Who did Hera side with during the Trojan War?

she sided with the Greeks

Which side of the war did Aphrodite support?

the Trojan side, because she was helping Paris and against hera and Athena who were helping the Spartans

Who boxed Artemis' ears in the Trojan War?

The goddess Hera.

What did Athena do in the Trojan War?

Athena, in part, started the Trojan War. The war originated from a quarrel between the goddesses, Aphrodite, Hera, and Athena.

What gods were in the Trojan war?

aphrodite, Athena, hera, ares, Zeus

Which gods were involved in the Trojan War?

Greeks: Hera Poseidon Athena Hephaetus Hermes These gods and goddesses helped the greeks in the trojan war! Trojans: Apollo Artemus Aphrodite Ares These gods were on the trojans' side! hope this helped xD

Did the gods participate in the Trojan War?

In Greek Mythology, the Trojan war was a result of a quarrel between the goddesses Athena, Hera, and Aphrodite. So, yes.

Why were the goddesses Athena and hera on the side of the Greeks?

I assume you mean in the Trojan war. Athena and Hera were angry because Paris had given the golden apple to Aphrodite and neither of them. This meant that Aphrodite was the most beautiful goddess.

Which side win the Trojan war?

The Greek won the Trojan war

Why did Hera side with Greeks for Trojan war?

Paris offended her by picking Aphrodite as the fairest. So in consequence she sided with the Greeks to punish Paris and his people for his offense.

Which side did Hades side with in the Trojan war?

Hades took no side in the Trojan War. He took the dead of both sides.