

Who is solid snake?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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15y ago

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Solid Snake is Big Boss's clone. Big Boss's DNA was takenfor the Les Enfentas Terribles project run by the ruling governments of the age. Liquid and Solid were made first, and Liquid was the perfect of the two. but Solid Snake retained the most replicated DNA from Big Boss, thus making him the better of the two. So Solid Snake is a man who was supposed to have been the exact clone of Big Boss, but has been twisted and turned by the ever changing governments. Solidus came in MGS 2 and was actually then the closest resemblence to the new Big Boss, the older one who was supposed to have died at Zanzibar. Solidus was to be the ACTUAL perfect clone, but Raiden kills him and ends the chain, except for Liquids arm in Ocelot. thus, Solid Snake is the clone who contributes to the memory of Big Boss.

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Naked Snake (Big Boss) is the person that Solid Snake was cloned after. Though genetically similar, they are still different people.

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Solid Snake, Mario can't really fight he is after all a plumber. If solid snake didn't cheat with weapons then Mario would win

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jack is the known as big boss or naked snake and is the main character of mgs3 he is also the father of david (solid snake) because he was such a good agent they cloned him and the clone of jack were liquid snake and solid snake

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We don't know for sure, but Solid Snake supposedly died after Metal Gear Solid 4.