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Q: Who is stronger Selena Gomez or Taylor Swift?
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Who is pretties Selena Gomez or Taylor Swift?

taylor swift

Who is more popular Selena gomez or Taylor swift?

of course selena gomez

Who is way better Selena Gomez or Taylor Swift?

Taylor Swift of course I'm not a Selena Gomez hatter I'm just saying because Taylor Swift is more talented and prettier and Selena is to but Taylor is better

Who would you choose Taylor swift or Selena gomez?

selena gomez is the best

Who is better Taylor Swift or Selena gomez or lady gaga?

Selena Gomez. :]

Who likes Selena Gomez better that Taylor Swift?

totally Taylor swift

Who is preter Talor swift or Selena Gomez?

taylor swift

Do Selena Gomez and Taylor swift know each other?

Taylor Swift knows Selena Gomez and is good friends with her. On Selena's 17th Birthday Taylor who was on tour sent her an arrangement of flowers.

Who is hotter Selena gomez or Taylor Swift?

Everyone has their own opinion but according to the most votes Taylor Swift is more hot than Selena Gomez.

Who is more famouse Taylor Swift or Selena Gomez?

Taylor swift end of story

What 3 girls did Justin Bieber dated and the 2 that he kissed?

miley cyrus, selena gomez and taylor swift and he kissed selena gomez and taylor swift

Who is more famous Selena Gomez or Taylor swift?

of course Taylor Swift Selena Gomez is famous too but Taylor Swift is more famous