

Who is stronger goku ssj 10 or gogeta ssj4?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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Goku ssj10 since to fuse or use the potara need to be equal power level. Let me put it more simple....gogeta ssj4= goku ssj 4 + vegita ssj4....=goku ssj8. Goku ssj8 vs goku ssj10...well goku ssj10 wins

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Vegito. Even in his base form because potara makes him 10000 gogeta would have to go ssj 10000000 to tie vegito base and to tie vegito ssj4 he would have to go 40000000000000000.

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vegito because gogeta ssj4>omega shenron and vegito base>gogetassj4 so vegito can beat omega easily gogeta was in ssj4 form to deafeat omega and if vegito is stronger than omega in just base form what if he go to ssj4 also like gogeta vegitossj4 will win in just a blink of his eyes against omega don,t remember vegito is strongest off all transformation and person in dbgt,dbz and db.

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actually vegito is stronger. 1. the maker(akira toriyama) said so 2. portara fusion is 100X stronger than the metamorphan(fusion dance) 3. SSJ4 gogeta is about as strong ssj3 vegetto- it is believed by many that vegetto can go up to ssj 3 or 4. he can because Vegetto is stronger than goku who is a ssj 3.

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do you people think that gogeta can beat ssj gohan teen,ssjgoku,ssjvegeta,ssjadult trunks not only beat be very strong above them no he cannot goku ssj power=50 and vegeta ssj power level =45 and fusion power=5 so gogeta ssj power level=100 95 = goku ssj and vegeta ssj power + ssj trunks =40 and teen gohan ssj=40 95 + 40=135 but broly lssj can beat all the team brloy lssj powerlevel=210 which bigger 100 or 210 yeah it,s 210 so broly is stronger if it was gogeta ssj3 then gogeta would be just slightly stronger now you will say that in movie of dbz gogeta beated broly because broly releases his full power level when goku is some where near

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Well there is no Ssj5 but in there was Vegito would be the stronger one.

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1st what game 2nd goku goes ssj4 is on GT