

Who is th greek god name Saturn and what does it mean?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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Cronus, Kronos or Cronos a male agricultural deity

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Q: Who is th greek god name Saturn and what does it mean?
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Why is cronus the greek god of Saturn?

Cronus is not the greek god of Saturn, Saturn is his Roman name. As for why the Romans named him Saturn, I don't know.

What is the meaning of Saturn in greek mythology?

Saturn was the king of the Titans and father of the gods, but that is his Roman name. The Greeks called him Kronos.

What does the Saturn planet mean?

Saturn is named after the Greek god of agriculture.

What does Saturn means?

Saturn was named after the roman god of agriculture.

Is there another name for the planet Saturn?

No, Saturn was named after the Greek God Saturnus

Is Saturn a greek or Roman god?

Saturn is a Roman god not greek

What was the Greek name for Saturn?

Cronus the father of Zeus, Poesidon, Hades, Hestia, Demeter and hera. He was also married to his sister Rhea.

Where the name of planet Saturn derived?

from a greek or roman god

Where did Saturns name come from?

The planet Saturn is named after the Roman god Saturnus, who was equated to the Greek god Kronos (the father of Zeus), the Babylonian Ninurta and to the Hindu Shani. Saturn's symbol represents the god's sickle.

Who is the Greek God named Saturn?

The Greek god Cronus was named Saturn(us) in Rome.

What the origin of the name Uranus?

Uranus is the Latinized version of the Greek god of the sky, Ouranos. In Roman/Greek mythology, as Saturn was the father of Jupiter, the next planet after Saturn should be named after the father of Saturn, which was Ouranos.

Is Saturn the god of agriculture?

Yes Saturn is the Roman God of agriculture, and harvest, he was father to the gods. He's Greek name was Cronus or Kronos.