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Q: Who is the Western foreign challenged the strength and power of China in 1839?
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Which country welcomed foreign traders without restriction or hesitation?

China welcomed foreign traders without any restrictions or hesitations. Foreign trade in China actually began in the Western Han Dynasty in 206 BCE.

Explain the factors that led to the opening of China. Why was China's response to Western influence slow?

China was forced open to foreign influence by European powers. China's response was slow because they did not want to accept the ideals of foreign nations because they were deemed as "barbaric practices".

How were Western nations such as Great Britain were able to govern and control regions such as China during 1850 up until 1914?

By Naval Power. China was underdeveloped at the time and was no match for Western technology or military strength.

When was Nationalist China recognized by the West?

The northern expedition was resumed, and in 1928 Chiang took Peking. China was formally unified. Nationalist China was recognized by the Western powers and supported by loans from foreign banks.

How did foreign affect Ming china?

How did foreign trade affect Ming china

Are there mountains in western China?

yes there are mountains in western china

What were the Anti-foreign Chinese revolts of 1900 that brought military intervention by Western troops including access to China?

It was called Yi He Tuan in Chinese. And it also called by western historian "Boxers".

What is China's climate?

hot in the southern of china but cold in the western of china

When was China Foreign Affairs University created?

China Foreign Affairs University was created in 1955.

Who is the Minister of Foreign Affairs for China?

Cui Tiankai is the Ambassador to the US for China.

What is a good sentence for foreign?

He was foreign. He emigrated from China

What is a very large desert in western China?

The Taklamakan Desert is in western China.