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That book was written by Rachel Carson. It is superbly researched and documented.

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Q: Who is the author of Silent Spring a book that warned of the use of ddt and other insecticides?
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Who is rachel rachel?

Rachel Carson was the author of Silent Spring, a book that warned of the use of DDT and other insecticidesRachel Carson was an American marine biologist and conservationist whose book Silent Spring and other writings are credited with advancing the global environmental movement.

Why is I.S.237 named after Rachel Carson?

The school was named after scientist Rachel Carson because she is the author of Silent Spring, which inspired people to name the school after her. Her book warned the world about the dangers of the pesticide DDT and ultimately had the poison banned.

How long did Rachel Carson work?

Rachel Carson worked as a marine biologist and writer for roughly three decades, from the 1930s to the early 1960s. She is best known for her influential book "Silent Spring," which was published in 1962. Carson's work played a significant role in raising awareness about environmental issues.

Who is the person who Warned the public about the long term effects of misusing pesticides?

American biologist and nature writer, Rachel Carson (1907-1964), in her 1962 book, 'Silent Spring'.

What book warned man against the abuse of chemical pesticides in particular DDT?

"Silent Spring" by Rachel Carson warned against the abuse of chemical pesticides, particularly DDT, and brought attention to the environmental and health implications of their widespread use. The book was influential in sparking the modern environmental movement and led to increased awareness and regulation of pesticides.

How did Rachel Carson's book Silent Spring alter the way people thought about and treated the Earth?

Carson's book, Silent Spring, introduced people to the idea that pesticides were having extremely negative effects on wildlife. Because of her book, the pesticide DDT was banned and the EPA was created. Senator Gaylord Nelson, from Wisconsin, promoted Earth Day.

Rachel Carson's Silent Spring warned people of what problem?

"The book's core message- that over-reliance on a particular pest-control strategy could have adverse environmental effects." --

Rachel Carson's silent spring warned people of what problems?

"The book's core message- that over-reliance on a particular pest-control strategy could have adverse environmental effects." --

What was Rachel Carson biggest accomplishments?

Rachel Carson's biggest accomplishment was her groundbreaking book "Silent Spring," published in 1962, which raised awareness about the dangers of pesticides on the environment and human health. Her work is credited with sparking the modern environmental movement and leading to the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency in the United States.

What is the book scilent spring about?

"Silent Spring" by Rachel Carson is a groundbreaking book that examines the negative impacts of pesticides, particularly DDT, on the environment and human health. The book helped to launch the modern environmental movement in the 1960s by raising awareness about the dangers of unchecked pesticide use on ecosystems and wildlife. Carson's work led to greater regulation of pesticides and contributed to the development of environmental protection laws in the United States.

What is the prefix for warned-before?

Warned has no prefixes or suffixes.

How do you spell warned?

Warned is the correct spelling.