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Q: Who is the blonde girl in the green top on the quest chat line commercial?
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How do you start a quest on ty?

Go to Chat, then walk thru the rooms or use the map. If you see a glowing green thing in the room click on it and it starts a quest. Snootz will tell you what to do.

How do you able chat to the adventure quest?

There isn't an in game chat.

Can you chat after your membership expires in adventure quest worlds?

No, you cannot chat on Adventure Quest Worlds after your membership expires.

How do you chat on manga high?

You have to do the chat quest. But thats only how to unlock chat im not sure how you actiouly chat

In Adventure quest how do you use canned chat?

You use canned chat by, clicking on the chat picture on the bottom left.

What do you do in adventure quest world?

chat and battle monsters

Where do you enter cheats on monkey quest?

the chat bubble

Why does your wolf-quest chat not work?

Because it doesnt like you!

Who is the brunette in the Nightline Chat commercial?

The girl from the nightline chat commercial looks a LOT like Charisma Carpenter but I can't beleive her career has fallen that far

Do you have to be a member to chat on adventure quest worlds?

No they have Chat Enabled servers, they used to have none, then 1, now 2.

How do you talk on multiplyplayer on wolf quest?

On your keyboard press "C" for chat.

What is the camera icon on gmail chat mean?

On Gmail chat, if the camera icon is green, it means that they are available to chat and have a camera attached. If it is just a green dot, it means they are not available.