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The movie has not been cast yet. It is rumored to come out in 2013. I hope they cast someone unknown, who is also serious for Max. As for casting IN MY OPINION I think they should cast someone who is ACTUALLY 14 for Max, Fang, and Iggy. This is an 8 book series people! Within those 8 books Max and the flock only age 1 year. I say if they got people who were actually the ages of the flock I'd be happy. Oh, and I honestly don't care if they have say blonde hair like Max, as long as they are fabulous actors/actresses, I don't think looks really matter as much.

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Q: Who is the cast of the Maximum Ride movie?
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When will the cast of the Maximum Ride movie be selected?

not sure but go to imdb and type in maximum ride and anything they decide for the movie it will be posted on there

How can someone get cast in the Maximum Ride movie?


Is Maximum Ride on DVD?

no, there is no movie no cast, no screenplay, no nothin'

What is the cast for Maximum Ride the movie?

No one has been cast yet. The movie is rumored to come out in 2013.

What is the name for the ''Maximum Ride'' movie?

Movie 1: Maximum Ride: The Fugitives Movie 2: Maximum Ride: The Protectors

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No one has been cast yet.

Who is going to be in the movie Maximum Ride?

No one has been cast yet.

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There isn't an official cast for the Maximum Ride movie yet.

Where is Maximum Ride the movie sold?

The Maximum Ride movie hasn't come out yet.

Are they going to make a movie for Maximum Ride?

Yes, they are already looking for the cast members.

Who is going to play angel in the Maximum Ride movie that coming out in 2013?

there is still no cast.

What is the name of the maximum ride movie?

Maximum Ride: Angels of Science