

Who is the current executive branch?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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6y ago

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President Trump is the head of the executive branch.

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Q: Who is the current executive branch?
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Who are the current leader of the executive branch?

The leader of the executive branch is the President. The president is Barack Obama.

Who leads the executive branch of state?

The President is the head of the executive branch and IS the executive branch. This is why when he gives an order, it is called an executive order.

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The current leader of state of the United States is the head of the executive branch. It is President Obama.

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35 and the current office holder is George W.Bush.

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According to current laws (and this should be in the Constitution as well), the Executive Branch, specifically the President of the United States, is allowed the 'power of pardon' (the ability to grant pardons).

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the president, vice president, and the fifteen cabinets

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What branch of government is the president chief of?

The president is chief of the executive branch of government.

Which branch appoints judges and cabinet members?

The Executive Branch.

The president is part of what branch of government?

The President is chief executive officer of the Executive Branch.

What branch of government enforces laws?

executive branch

Branch of government that enforces laws?

The executive branch is responsible for enforcing the law.