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Q: Who is the daughter of Zeus who was born in from his head?
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What was Zeus' daughter's name?

Zeus\' daughter was named Athene. She was born directly from Zeus\' head.

Which daughter was born from poseidon's head?

None. Athena was born from Zeus' head.

The goddess Athena was Zeus daughter. how was Athena born?

Athena was born by splitting through the head of Zeus.

Who sprang from the forehead of Zeus?

Athena, the goddess of wisdom and war was the daughter of Zeus and was born from his head.

How was Zeus' daughter Athena born?

Zeus had a headache, Hephaestus split Zeus's head with an axe. Athena jumped out, fully grown and equipped.

How was Athena connected to Zeus?

She was his daughter. She was born of his split head. That's why she was so wise.

Which daughter of Zeus came from his head?


What is the name of Zeus' daughter?

Zeus had several daughters. One of them is Athena. Helen of Troy was another.

What god is Athena the daughter of?

Athena is the daughter of Zeus, and sprung fully grown from his head.

What are the relations did Zeus have?

Athena had a relationship with Zeus because Zeus had a really bad head ache and one of the cyclops made an axe and chopped Zeus's head and Athena popped out of his head. So Athena was his daughter.

Is Iris Athena's half sister?

These two goddesses are not half sisters. Zeus was married to Metis before he was married to Hera. He swallowed Athena before she was born and later he had a pain in his head. Hephaestus used his magic ax on Zeus's head. Athena was born fully grown wearing armor from the head of Zeus.Iris is the daughter from the titan Thaumas and the cloud nymph Electra.

Who was the firstborn child of Zeus?

Athena, as a daughter of Metis later born from the head of Zeus; or Moirae, the Fates Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos and Seasons (Horai) Eunomia, Eirene and Dike.