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the boulder form the Wrestling matches where aang met toph

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Q: Who is the earth bender on the opening credits of avatar?
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Is avatar Kyoshi an airbender or an earthbender?

She was an earth bender.

Who discovered the elements earth air water and fire?

avatar the air bender

Why did not Avatar the Last Air Bender contain the stories of Earth and Fire?

They did, They did Water, Earth, and Fire but they didn't do Air

Is there a earth bender in the world?

no my friend, sadly that is only in "avatar, the last airbender" tv series.

When is avatar coming out on DVD not Avatar the Last Air Bender?

According to James Cameron the Official Avatar DVD Release date is set for April 22, 2010 - Which is also Earth Day

What are the animal guides of the water avatars?

air- sky bison fire- dragon earth- badger mole water- no guide hes/shes wrong. they can be anything Avatar Kyoshi's (earth bender Avatar) had the unagi as hers and Avatar Kuruk had a poler bear as his i heard and aso hear a flying whale? soo who knows The water benders also rely on the moon as a guide, because it was the first water bender.

Who is the best from Avatar the Last Airbender Aang or Sokka?

aang come on people aang is an air bender and in one of the episodes when he was training with sokka sokka attacked aang and got served earth bender style.

Who are the people in avatar the last air bender's theme song?

not in right order water- master pakku fire- azula earth- sud (avatar roku's earthbending teacher) air- aang or monk gyatso

Why does NickToons never show the Lake Laogai episode - Book Two Earth Chapter 17 - of Avatar the Last Air Bender?

they do but i see it very rarely

What song was played in the opening credits of here on earth?

black balloon by goo goo dolls

Is there a game for Avatar the Last Air Bender where you can play as Zuko?

yes,there is one at it is the best avatar game i have ever seen

What is the last episode of avatar season 3?

It's "The boiling rock" and its in two parts, check google