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Man, over a period of years has attempted to cause others to believe that Pentecostalism is a Bible based religion when it is not. The Pentecostals want folks to think they have scriptural truth and they only have a portion of Bible truth. Pentecostalism is, in fact a man made religion that is doomed to fail just like all other man made religions. A fair question! Are we Pentecostal or are we people of Pentecost which is a very real experience from the Lord Jesus. This experience is for "whosoever.will" Pentecostals(the religious ones) think they are the only ones that will be going to be with the Lord and. That JUST AIN'T TRUE. Each and every one of us( everyone) needs to receive Jesus in the power of the HOLY GHOST or HOLY SPIRIT, whichever you prefer. It will benefit all who are interested in becoming a child of the KING to read AND understand THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES chapter 2. That is where Jesus' New Testament Church is born.

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Holy Spirit One of the Third person of God!

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Q: Who is the founder of the pentecostal?
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Who was the founder of pentecostal church and what year it was founded and which city it was founded?

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Pentecostal is a denomination of the Christian religion, it is not a religion itself. My father is a Pentecostal minister and I grew up going to Pentecostal churches. No foods are prohibited in the Pentecostal church. I think the only religion that prohibits certain foods are Judaism and Islam.

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No. Luke Benward is not pentecostal. He is a true Christian.

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The pentecostal experience is being filled with the Holy Ghost.

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