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Shinto, (pro: Shin-do)

There are no such thing as Shinto gods, (half true) the term "gods" is our western understanding of deities.

People that believe in Shinto believe in Kami which are spirits

Kami appear as spirits that govern nature and other aspects of the living world, every aspect of life has its own Kami, rivers, trees, earth.. etc etc

There are over 8000 Shinto deities, and are all in some way related to "Amaterasu" the goddess of the sun, either by a family bond, created by or simply one of many different forms of Amaterasu herself,in some cases its a mix of all three a concept that is hard for alot of westeners to come to grips with.

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13y ago

They have no word for a God seen as in Christianity ,Islam or other monotheistic religions. They do refer to spirits called Kami ,which seem to be used to spiritually explain the natural phenomena in our material world.

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14y ago

Shintoism believes in Kami, spirits that take forms of things such as rain, wind, rivers and mountains. They also believe that when humans die they become Kami

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The most important god in Shintoism is the Sun Goddess Amaterasu.

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Shintoism or belief in the sun God, Amaterasu

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Is there a god of Shintoism?

There are references to "Eight Million gods".

What is Kami?

god,/spirits/deities of Shintoism (Japan's religion)

What cultures believe in Shinto?

Shintoism is primarily practiced in Japan.

Name of the god of shintoism?

Shintoism does not have one main god. It has over 8 million different kamis (spiritual beings that exist in animals, plants, nature, etc). A large majority of Japanese people worship Amaterasu as the "main" kami of Shintoism. Amaterasu is the goddess of the sun.

What do shintoism believe?

its a thing about something and people SYOP ANIMAL CRUELTY

What is one important god of shintoism?

Amaterasu is the the sun goddess in the Shinto pantheon.