

Who is the god that killed the dragon Python?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Apollo killed the dragon Python.

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Q: Who is the god that killed the dragon Python?
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Did the Greek god Apollo kill the dragon python?


What is the origin of the word python?

Python was the name of a great monstrous serpent-like earth-dragon in ancient Greek mythology. He presided the Oracle of Delphi. Olympian god Apollon slain the dragon and became the protector of the Oracle.

Who kills the dragon python?

Apollo slays (kills) python

Who kills the Greek dragon Python?

Apollo slays (kills) python

What does Apollo's symbols mean?

He has the lyre (musical instrument) because he is the god of music, and he has the snake in his hand because he killed the monster Python and he is the god of healing also.

What is Apollo greek god achievement?

Achievements· He killed the python at Delphi· He tamed nine muses.· He killed the satyr Marsyas in a music contest.· He killed the cyclops because Zeus killed his son for trying toraise the dead.

Who was the patron god or goddess of Delphi?

The Greek god Apollo was the god that Delphi was dedicated to. Apollo killed a serpent Python there and the Greeks held the Pythian Games every four years to commemorate this.

How old was Apollo when he killed the snake?

He was 4 days old and he killed it with a bow and arrow.

Would a bat win in a battle with a python?

A bat would be coiled around and killed by the python.

What happens when a person kills the sacred python in things fall apart?

If someone killed a sacred python accidentally, they would ask forgiveness from the gods and perform an elaborate and expensive burial ceremony as if someone of high title and rank had died. No one is known to have ever killed a sacred python intentionally, though Okoli was rumored to have done so. Also, Oduche, Ezeulu's son in Arrow of God traps a giant python in a box, but does not kill it.

What mythical creature did Apollo defeat?

Python, a dragon that lived in Delphi.

Who was killed by the Chinese god Li Nezha?

According to the legend, Li Nezha killed Ao Ping, the son of Ao Kuang, the Dragon King of the Eastern Sea.