

Who is the head of state for Vatican City?

Updated: 11/10/2020
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9y ago

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The Pope is the head of state of the Vatican.

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Q: Who is the head of state for Vatican City?
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Which country is ruled by pope?

The pope is the ruler of Vatican City (which is a country).

Is Vatican City in South America?

Vatican City is located in Europe, specifically Italy. The city of Rome surrounds Vatican City, but Vatican city is considered it's own country and is typically classified as the modern city state. The current Pope is considered the head of Catholicism and also serves as the Head of State for the Vatican City.

How was the president elected in Vatican City?

There is no elected president in the Vatican. There is a pope who is elected in a secret conclave by the cardinals. The Pope is the head of state of the Vatican.

What is Vatican City's current form of government?

The pope is the head of state of the Vatican but delegates the day to day operation of the city to a presedent and vice president.

What is the name of the king of Vatican City?

The Vatican has no king. It has the pope as the head of state and currently (2014) that would be Pope Francis.

Who is the pope of Vatican City?

The Vatican City does not have a president.

What does ' Papal Rome' mean?

The Vatican City (located in Rome) is a separate state and the head of that state is the Pope.

What is the situation of Vatican City?

Vatican City is a small enclosed area within the city of Rome, the capital city of Italy, Europe. Vatican City is the headquarters of the Roman Catholic Church and the residence of the pope. It is an independent state - a totally independent country with the pope as head of state. Because it is completely surrounded by the city of Rome, the Vatican State is very small - in fact it is the smallest independent country in the world.

How does Vatican City operate as a city - state?

The pope is the head of state of the Vatican but the day to day operation of the city is in the hands of an appointed committee with a president and vice president. There are various other departments that operate under this committee.

How is the Vatican ruled?

The Pope is the head of state of the Vatican but the day to day management of the city/state is carried out by an appointed committee which as a president and vice president and a number of administrative offices just as any of the city in the world would have.

What is the only christian theocracy in the world?

The only Christian theocracy in the world is the Holy See (Vatican City). It is an independent city-state with the Pope as its head of state and the leader of the Roman Catholic Church.

When did Vatican City become an absolute monarchy?

The Vatican became an independent country with the pope as the head of state in 1929 with the signing of the Lateran Treaty.