

Who is the inventor of the ampalaya solution against HIV?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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It wasnt invented, it was discovered.

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Q: Who is the inventor of the ampalaya solution against HIV?
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No, birth control pills DO NOT protect against HIV

How does birth control help protect against HIV?

The only type of birth control that protects against HIV are condoms. Other methods do not prevent HIV.

What have christians done as a solution to HIV?

We haven't found a solution yet. In response to HIV, various Christian charities have funded and organised preventative measures and attempted to slow the spread and lethality of the virus.

What is the difference beteen hiv positive and hiv negative?

There is a huge difference between them. HIV Positive means that the test found HIV-Antibodies in your blood (you can find them in the mouth sometimes). A HIV-Negative test means that the solution did not find any signs of HIV in your body and your in great shape.

Can hepatitis B cause HIV or AIDS?

No. Hepatitis B and HIV are two different viruses. One does not cause the other.

Is emanuel xavier HIV positive?

Though he often writes about HIV-related issues and has been an active voice in the fight against HIV, he is negative.

Could HIV infect a monkey as it does humans?

No , HIV is specific for human . Monkeys have protein that has destructive power which prevents them from HIV. Though SIV is affective against these monkeys.

Why cant antibiotics be used to to treat hiv or aids?

Antibiotics are only effective against bacteria, not viruses, and HIV is a virus.

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What is the solution of AIDS?

There is no cure for AIDS or HIV. You get HIV then develop AIDS. It's kind of like getting a cold then sneezing as a symptom where the cold is HIV and the sneezing is AIDS. You can not have AIDS but not having HIV. Using protection during sex, not sharing needles, and staying away from blood can lower your chance of getting HIV.

What is English term of ampalaya?

Ampalaya (Bitter Melon) with a scientific name Momordica charantia, is a climbing vine and the tendrils of which grow up to 20 centimeters long. This herbal plant belongs to the family of Cucurbitaceae, and it is a tropical as well as a subtropical vine. Ampalaya leaves are heart-shaped, which are 5 to 10 centimeters in diameter. The fruits of the ampalaya vine are fleshy green with pointed ends at length. It can never be mistaken for any other variety because its ribbed and wrinkled surface had always been ampalaya's distinct physical structure. The bitter taste of the ampalaya fruit had also been the distinguishing factor from the rest of the fruits with medicinal value, and this is due to the presence of a substance known as momorcidin.Ampalaya has been a folkloric cure for generations but has now been proven to be an effective herbal medicine for many aliments. Most significant of which is for Diabetes. The Philippine variety has proven to be most potent. Ampalaya contains a mixture of flavanoids and alkaloids make the Pancreas produce more insulin that controls the blood sugar in diabetics. Aside from Ampalaya's medicinal value, it is good source of vitamins A, B and C, iron, folic acid, phosphorous and calcium.Ampalaya has been for used even by the Chinese for centuries. The effectively of Ampalaya as an herbal medicine has been tried and tested by many research clinics and laboratories worldwide. In the Philippines, the Department of Health has endorsed Ampalaya as an alternative medicine to help alleviate various ailments including diabetes, liver problems and even HIV. Aside from these, ampalaya also helps treat skin diseases and cough. Its herbal value extends to increasing the sterility of women, in parasiticide, antipyretic, and has purgative functions, as well. Note: In large dozes, pure Ampalaya juice can be a purgative and abortifacient.

What is the body's first line of defence against hiv?

The body's first line of defense against infection is the skin.