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Q: Who is the leader in Greece that encouraged the people of his city to participate in government?
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What greek leader encouraged the people participate in government?

Cleisthens encouraged people to participate in government.

Who is the leader of encouraged people of his city to participate in government?

The leader was Pericles.

Which leader encouraged the people of his city to participate in government?


What leader encouraged people of his city to participate in government?

Your question is too unspecific to answer properly, but I would guess Socrates.

What leader paid people to participate in government?

I have never known a leader to pay people to participate in government.

What leader encouraged the people of his city to participate in the government?

Your question is too unspecific to answer properly, but I would guess Socrates.

What is the name of Greece's current leader?

Greece is a parliamentary republic and as such has President Karolos Papoulias as leader of the nation and army, and Prime Minister Kostas Karamanlis as leader of the government.

How do citizens in participate in the government?

The first thing that comes to my mind is voting for a leader that is what i guess am i correct yes no?

What does the citizens of russia do to participate in the government?

The first thing that comes to my mind is voting for a leader that is what i guess am i correct yes no?

What Hebrew leader encouraged his people to believe in one God?

Every Hebrew leader who ever existed encouraged this.

Who was the leader of Greece?

the leader was St. Theresa

Who was the Greece leader?

the leader was St. Theresa