

Who is the man Andy Harris in the book 'Into Thin Air'?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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he was one of the leaders in a Mt. Everest expedition, who ended up dying

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Q: Who is the man Andy Harris in the book 'Into Thin Air'?
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The book "Into Thin Air" by Jon Krakauer has approximately 100,000 words.

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Have you ever read the book into thin air?

Yes, "Into Thin Air" is a non-fiction book by Jon Krakauer that chronicles the events of the 1996 Mount Everest disaster. The book provides a detailed and firsthand account of the tragedy that unfolded during a climbing expedition to the summit of Everest.

Who is the author of the book 'Into Thin Air'?

The non-fiction book "Into Thin Air" was written by John Krakauer in 1997. It is a personal account of the Mt. Everest disaster that occurred the year before in which eight mountain climbers died.

When was Into Thin Air created?

Into Thin Air was created in 1997.

What is the ISBN of Into Thin Air?

The ISBN of Into Thin Air is 9780385494786.

Who wrote into thin air?

"Into Thin Air" was written by Jon Krakauer. The book recounts his personal account of the 1996 Mount Everest disaster, in which eight climbers died during a storm.

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Thin Air - novel - was created in 1995.

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because it is so high , the air is cool and thin.

How do you use the phrase'into thin air' in a sentence?

There I was at 30,000 feet, ready to jump into thin air... when suddenly my parachute opened while I was still in the plane! Summitters relish hiking into thin air. Vanishing into the fog is like vanishing into thin air.

Why are high clouds always thin?

the higher in the air you go, the thinner the air gets. because the air is so thin at these heights, clouds have a lot more roomto expand and thin out.