

Who is the most famous woman patron saint?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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The Blessed Virgin Mary

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Q: Who is the most famous woman patron saint?
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Who are some female patron saints?

Some female Patron Saints are Saint Anne, the Patron Saint of grandmothers and mothers. Saint Brigid is the Patron Saint of newborns. Saint Cecile is the Patron Saint of musicians. Saint Barbara, Saint Dorothy, Saint Lucy, Saint Catherine, Saint Margaret, and Saint Anne are some of the most known female Saints.

What does Saint Christopher represent?

St. Christopher is the patron saint of travel. He is also believed to represent strength on your journey. St. Christopher is said to be one of the most famous of all saints.

What is Judas Iscariot the patron saint of?

Whatt! he was a Villain, traitor, Bad Guy... no saint of any kind.

Who was The most important patron saint in England?

st edmond

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Some cool patron saint names include St. Sebastian (patron saint of athletes and soldiers), St. Monica (patron saint of mothers), and St. Francis of Assisi (patron saint of animals and the environment). Each of these saints has a unique story and a special connection to the virtues they represent.

What is the name of the saint that is honored in Ireland?

The Patron Saint of England is George The Patron Saint of Scotland is Andrew The Patron Saint of Wales us David The Patron Saint of Ireland is Patrick. St Patrick is the patron saint of N. Ireland. All the other answers are rubbish. Northern Ireland is not part of Great Britain, it is part of the UK. I know this because I live here.

Who is the patron saint of military fighters?

St. Martin of Tours, whose feast day happens to be on November 11 (Remembrance Day).

What is St. Maura the patron saint of?

There are several saints named Maura and most were early martyrs of the Church. None is listed as a patron saint unless your name happens to be Maura.

Where does Saint David's Day take place?

St. David is the patron saint of Wales, so that is where it is most important.

Who is the patron saint of Ecuador?

The patron saints of Ecuador are: Most Pure Heart of Mary Our Lady of Quinche Sacred Heart of Jesus

Who are the patron saints of Serbian Orthodox Christianity?

Any of the Saints recognized by the Serbian Orthodox Church may be a Patron Saint. According to Serbian custom, when a family received holy baptism, they put themselves under the protection of the Saint on whose commemoration day they were baptized. That Saint was the family Patron Saint, and the family celebration of the Patron Saint's holiday - Krsna Slava - is considered one of the most important expressions of the family's Orthodox faith.

Was George the patron saint of England ever married?

Most Roman soldiers were not married.