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Leafpool and Crowfeather are their parents. -Hawkfire123

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1mo ago

Leafpool is the real mother of Jayfeather, Lionblaze, and Hollyleaf. She gave birth to them, but due to the circumstances of their birth, they were raised believing another queen, Squirrelflight, was their mother.

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Q: Who is the real mother of Jayfeather Lionblaze and Hollyleaf?
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Is Leafpool the real mother of Hollyleaf Lionblaze and Jayfeather?

she is

Is Squrrielflight the real mother of Lionblaze Hollyleaf and Jayfeather?

No, their real mother is Leafpool.

Is Brightspirit Jayfeather Lionblaze and Hollyleaf's mother?

No. their real mother is Leafpool.

Who is Jayfeather's Hollyleaf's and Lionblaze's real mother?

Leafpool and Crowfeather are their parents.

Did Leafpool tell Lionblaze that she is his real mother?

No, Leafpool did not tell Lionblaze that she is his real mother. Lionblaze discovered the truth about his parentage through other means.

In Sunrise does it say who Jayfeather lionblaze and hollyleaf's real parents are?


Does squirrelflight ever mate again?

She never did mate Leafpool is the real mother of Jayfeather, Hollyleaf and lionblaze other then that i don't know

Do leafpools kits hate her?

Jayfeather, Hollyleaf and Lionblaze do not forgive Leafpool when she had broken the warrior code and had not told them that she was their real mother.As of yet, they haven't. But Lionblaze's grudge towards her has lessened since Night Whispers and Hollyleaf is really the only on that actually hates her(Jayfeather doesn't. He's just mad.)

Are Lionblaze Hollyleaf and Jayfeather Leafpool's kits?

Yes. I read Warriors:Sunrise and in the book Jayfeather found out that Leafpool was his real mother. Leafpool also told Hollyleaf, and Jayfeather received a message from Starclan and Yellowfang presented him with a "crow's feather", and then obviously, Jayfeather figured out his father was Crowfeather from Windclan. Yes, and Hollyleaf announces it to all of the clans before she dies. -Hawkfire123

How much brothers does hollyleaf have?

'real brothers': Jayfeather and Lionblaze. Half brother: Breezepelt (rogue, originally from WindClan)

Is leafpool hollyleaf lionblaze and jayfeathrs mother?

Yes, but Leafpool is also the mother of Hollyleaf and Lionblaze. Leafpool is the mother of Jayfeather, Hollyleaf and Lionblaze, and it looks like Crowfeather is the father. Yes and Crowfeather is the father, hollyleaf kills herself :( and breezepelt is ther half brother. so sad, yet know we know why jayfeather is so craby, and how good he is at being a med-cat.(by:barryheart)

Did Hollyleaf announce that Squirrelflight was not her mother at a gathering?

Yes, Hollyleaf publicly revealed at a gathering that Leafpool was her true mother, not Squirrelflight. This revelation caused a significant stir among the Clans and had lasting repercussions on the dynamics within ThunderClan.