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Democratic is Richard bluementhal

and 4 republican is linda McMahon


come on linda you can do it





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Chris Dodd (D) and Joe Lieberman (I) .

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Chris Dodd (D) and Joe Lieberman (I)

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Q: US senator from ct
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Who is the US senator of CT in 2009?

Chris Dodd (D) and Joe Lieberman (I)

What is the name of a Senator from CT?

Senator Christopher Dodd is from Connecticut.

Is vince McMahon's wife running for governor?

no, she ran for Senator, CT.

Can the senator pardon a misdemeanor in CT?

No, pardons are granted (or denied) through the ct board of pardon and parole. There is more info available if you search for "the ct pardons team" great non profit organization.

Before Barack Obama was US senator he was senator from what state?

He was the junior senator from Illinois.

What does the senator represtent?

A US senator represents his state.

Us senator from confederate state and president?

Andrew Johnson was a US Senator from TN and went on to be US president. Jefferson Davis was Us Senator from Miss. and went on to be Confederate president.

Who has more power a state Senator or a US Senator?

A U.S. Senator has more power.

What it the minimum age of the US senator?

The minimum age of a US senator is 30 ears old.

Can a naturalized citizen become a senator?

A naturalized citizen can be a US Senator, although not the US President.

Who was elected US senator in Florida in Tuesday's election?

bill Nelson was selected US. senator

What is the proper salutation when addressing a senator of the US?

Senator Doe,