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Q: Who is the specialist you go to when you have attention deficit disorder?
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What is attention deficient syndrome?

I think you mean Attention Deficit Disorder(ADD), if you don't mean Attention Deficit Disorder then you should go into more detail so another contributor can tell you the right answer.

How do you increase your attention span?

Go to a doctor and get tested for ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) and if you are ADD get a prescription from your doctor.

Where can I find out information about ADHD treatments?

One of the sites that will help you find out information on treating attention deficit hyperactivity disorder would go by the name of

How does one tell if a 4-year-old has attention problems?

Symptoms of Attention Deficit Disorder: The ADD symptoms of Attention Deficit Disorder come in many forms and no two people display the same symptoms of ADD or ADHD. The symptoms of ADD or ADHD manifest itself in undue passivity or inattentiveness, or uncontrollable, aggressive hyperactivity. Many people with the ADD symptoms of Attention Deficit Disorder or ADHD may be unable to sit still, plan ahead, finish tasks, or be fully aware of what's going on around them. To their family, classmates and teachers, these people with the symptoms of ADD or ADHD seem to exist in a whirly-gig of disorganized or frenzied activity. for more Info go to:

Is it possible to have ADD and dyslexia?

I learned that ADHD is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Being married to my wife who has dyslexia has taught me that the subject can be saying just the opposite of what they actually mean. Dyslexia is where the brain does not process information correctly and turns things around when they speak or think.

Is there a cure for short attention span?

Yeah, it means you probably have Attention Defecit Disorder(ADD) go consult a doctor.

What does the H in ADHD stand for?

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) refers to a family of related cognitive disorders that interfere with a person's capacity to have normal activity levels (hyperactivity), hold back on impulsive behaviour (impulsivity), and focus on tasks (inattention) in developmentally appropriate ways. ADHD is a neurobiology disorder, meaning the problem affects brain function (thinking, learning and memory) and behaviour. Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder can have difficulties at home, at school, and in relationships with friends and other children their age. ADHD has also been shown to have long-term adverse effects on school performance, career or job success, and social-emotional development. Because children with ADHD are not able to sit still and pay attention in school, they may have disciplinary problems, and they can be viewed as troublemakers by teachers and other students. They experience peer rejection and show a broad range of disruptive behaviours. Their academic and social problems can have far-reaching and long-term effects. These children have higher injury rates. As they grow older, children with untreated ADHD, in combination with conduct disorders, are at risk for abuse, antisocial behaviour, and injuries of all sorts. Up to 70% of children diagnosed with ADHD will continue to have symptoms into adulthood. What is the relationship between Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and other disorders, such as learning disabilities, anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, or depression? Most children treated for ADHD have other conditions. ADHD can co-occur with learning disabilities (15-25%), language disorders (30-35%), conduct disorder (15-20%), oppositional defiant disorder (up to 40%), mood disorders (15-20%), and anxiety disorders (20-25%). Up to 60% of children with tic disorders also have ADHD. Problems with memory, cognitive processing, sequencing, motor skills, social skills, control of emotional response, and response to discipline are common. Sleep disorders are also more common. [The Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder information above is based on source material from the National Institute on Mental Health entitled "Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) - Questions and Answers," published in March 2000.] To elaborate on the previous answer, since ADHD and ADD have a significant biochemcial component, it is not surprising that those with ADHD find it varies in intensity over time, from day to day, and even during different times of day. The environment also plays a role in how easy it is to concentrate and refrain from fidgeting. Many, if not most people with ADHD and ADD learn to cope with it with the various aspects of the disorder, by compensation or practice. However, some of the ADHD deficits are not cope-able, meaning one needs to learn to live and work them. It will not actually go away, but it can become less of a problem as one learns to compensate for it. The most effective ways to deal with it usually include a combination of medication (for the biochemical part), behavior modification, and coping strategies.

What are some symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder?

Symptoms of ADHD include difficulty focusing, impulsivity, hyperactivity, forgetfulness, disorganization, and difficulty completing tasks. Individuals with ADHD may also struggle with time management and have trouble following through on commitments. It's important to consult with a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and treatment.

If you have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder as a young adult can you still be an air traffic controller?

having ADHD shouldn't affect the proffession you want to go after. most people with it are acutally very bright you just hav a different way of thinking. it shouldn't affect the job you chose to pursue.

What is methalyn?

Methalyn, sold under the brand name Ritalin among others, is a stimulant drug used to treat attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and narcolepsy. It is the first-line medication for ADHD. It may be taken by mouth or applied to the skin, and different formulations have varying durations of effect.

Any tips on how to be bulimic?

Dont be. Its horriable and can ruin ur life.

Why does one need to accumulate stuff?

Accumulation of huge quantities of stuff is informally called "Cluttering." It is a fairly common problem, and seems to be related to anxiety about letting go and/or not having enough. There is evidence that it is also linked to attention deficit disorder in some cases. Much if it is learned behavior, and there are support groups such as Clutterers Anonymous to help overcome it.