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The White Witch is fighting Aslan when Lucy and Susan arrive. She is trying to prevent Aslan from reclaiming his rightful place as the true ruler of Narnia.

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Q: Who is the white witch fighting when Aslan Lucy and susan arrive?
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What do Aslan Lucy and susan do after Aslan revives why?

After Aslan revives, Lucy and Susan fight alongside Peter and Edmund in the battle against the White Witch. They help to defeat the White Witch and restore peace to Narnia.

What do Aslan Susan and Lucy do after Aslan revives?

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What do Aslan and susan and Lucy do after Aslan revives?

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In "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe," it was the Pevensie siblings who attempted to set Aslan free from the Stone Table where he was bound by the White Witch. They were aided by other creatures in the battle against the White Witch's forces.

Who played Susan from The Lion The Witch and the Wardrobe?

Susan was the second oldest of the Pevensie children. She was Peter's younger sister and Edmund's and Lucy's older sister who ventured into Narnia with them. In the Chronicles of Narnia BBC miniseries of the 1980s, Susan was played by Sophie Cook. In the 2005 version she is played by Anna Popplewell.

Where is the word summoned mentioned in the lion the witch and the wardrobe?

The word "summoned" appears in "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe" when Aslan calls for Peter, Susan, and Lucy to help him defeat the White Witch's army. Aslan summons creatures from all over Narnia to join the battle against the evil forces.

What is the resolution in the lion the witch and the wardrobe?

The resolution in "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe" involves the defeat of the White Witch by Aslan, the return of spring to Narnia, the restoration of the rightful rulers, and the reign of peace under the leadership of the Pevensie siblings. Aslan sacrifices himself to save Edmund and ultimately rises again, leading to the defeat of evil and the restoration of harmony in Narnia.

Which you not a creature freed from stone by Aslan near the end?

Susan and Edmund were not creatures freed from stone by Aslan near the end of "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe." It was Mr. Tumnus, the Beaver family, and others who were originally turned to stone by the White Witch and later freed by Aslan.

How did Aslan kill the White Witch?

The way it has been adapted in the movie shows aslan diving onto the white witch with her flat on the ground. They dont actually show what happens, but it's assumed that he bites her or mauls her - considering he's a lion.

Why has Aslan come to the white witchs castle?

Aslan comes to the White Witch's castle to offer himself as a sacrifice in place of Edmund, who was set to be killed by the White Witch as payment for his betrayal. Aslan's sacrifice is a key part of the redemption and salvation of Narnia.