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Q: Who is the woman in the cartoon What message does this cartoon convey Draw Inferences Why might this cartoon be associated with the Yellow Press?
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Who of the Beatles films was a cartoon?

Yellow Submarine was the only Beatles film to be a cartoon.

What was the year of the first cartoon of yellow kid?

The Yellow Kid debuted in 1894 .

Who produced the first cartoon character?

'The Yellow Kid' in 1895 from the cartoon strip Hogan's Alley .

What was the name of the first newspaper cartoon?

'The Yellow Kid' .

What was the first cartoon ever made?

The Yellow Kid

Yellow box testing?

Yellow box testing is basically an error message testing.. Yellow box testing is basically an error message testing..

BeatlesWhat was the full length cartoon they were animated in?

"Yellow Submarine " .

Who is orange and lives in the sea in a cartoon?

he is not orange he is yellow, and he is spongebob

The yellow kid was the first?

. . . the first syndicated cartoon strip .

What year was the Yellow Kid cartoon invented?

The year was 1894 .

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Who is spongbobsquarepants?

He is a yellow square shaped cartoon character. He is a sea sponge.