

Who is the words shortest man?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: Who is the words shortest man?
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How tall is the shortest man?

The shortest man was one foot and two inches tall... he was a short guy!

Is the worlds tallest mans son the worlds shortest man?

sadly no, that would be a miracle ! Imagine, the tallest man's son. Is the world's shortest man.

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Who killed the shortest man in the world?

Bruce lee who write the above answer is lol,the world shortest man died from heart troubles.==

List of shortest words with one syllable?

Some examples of the shortest one-syllable words include words such as "I," "a," "me," "my," "by," "do," "go," "no," "ha," "he," "us," and "it."

How short is the shortest man alive?

The shortest man alive is 26 inches (2 feet and 2 inches).The shortest man in history, deemed by Guinness, is Chandra Bahadur Dani. He was 72 years old in 2012 and measured 21.5 inches tall, taking the record from the former shortest man, who measured 22 inches tall.

Who is Britain's shortest man?

The shortest british man is Micheal Henry who 2ft 11 in and that is the average height of a 3 year old child.

Can you have a picture of him shortest man please?

Yes You Can Have A Picture Of A Short Man

How short is the shortest man?

20 inches.

How tall is the shortest man on earth?


Who is the shortest man in football?

the kicker

How long was the shortest speech in history?

George Washington had the shortest speech, and was 135 words long.