

Who is uranius?

Updated: 12/19/2022
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Q: Who is uranius?
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What color is Uranius?

Uranius is sort-of a neon blue or green. It sometimes looks teal or turquoise. The same colour as your skin :)

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What is the temperature on uranius?

well sir that varies on the depth but approximatly 63 to 74 degrees

What is the roman god name for uranius?

Uranus is a name from the Greek language, the equivalent in the Roman language is Caelus.

How far is uranius from the biggest star in the solar system?

1,783,950,480 miles. And the Sun is the only star in our solar system.

Uranius has three fewer moons than Saturn they have altogether thirthy-three moons how many moons does Saturn have?

It has 12 moons.

What a large body that orbits a star called?

Well by large bodies you mean planets, so its Mercury,venus, saturn, earth uranius,neptune,mars,jupiter.

What are the large bodies that orbit a star called?

Well by large bodies you mean planets, so its mercury,venus, saturn, earth uranius,neptune,mars,jupiter.

Which one of the nineth planets is closert to the sun?

well first off theres only 8 planets now because Pluto is a dwarf planet. but mercury is the closest planet to the sun followed up by venus, earth, mars, Jupiter, Saturn, uranius, and neptune.

How long does it take uranius to revolve around the sun?

Uranus is the 3rd biggest planet in the solar system and takes 84 Earth Years to rotate on it's 90 degrees axis, resulting in each day being 42 Earth Years long. It is thought that it spins sideways due to a collision with debris left over from the creation of the universe