

Who killed Cleopatra's sisters?

Updated: 9/21/2023
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12y ago

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Only two of Cleopatra's sisters were actually killed. Her sister, also named Cleopatra, died possibly of natural causes. Her sister Berenice was killed by their father and her sister Arsinoe was killed by Marc Antony at Cleopatra's request.

Only two of Cleopatra's sisters were actually killed. Her sister, also named Cleopatra, died possibly of natural causes. Her sister Berenice was killed by their father and her sister Arsinoe was killed by Marc Antony at Cleopatra's request.

Only two of Cleopatra's sisters were actually killed. Her sister, also named Cleopatra, died possibly of natural causes. Her sister Berenice was killed by their father and her sister Arsinoe was killed by Marc Antony at Cleopatra's request.

Only two of Cleopatra's sisters were actually killed. Her sister, also named Cleopatra, died possibly of natural causes. Her sister Berenice was killed by their father and her sister Arsinoe was killed by Marc Antony at Cleopatra's request.

Only two of Cleopatra's sisters were actually killed. Her sister, also named Cleopatra, died possibly of natural causes. Her sister Berenice was killed by their father and her sister Arsinoe was killed by Marc Antony at Cleopatra's request.

Only two of Cleopatra's sisters were actually killed. Her sister, also named Cleopatra, died possibly of natural causes. Her sister Berenice was killed by their father and her sister Arsinoe was killed by Marc Antony at Cleopatra's request.

Only two of Cleopatra's sisters were actually killed. Her sister, also named Cleopatra, died possibly of natural causes. Her sister Berenice was killed by their father and her sister Arsinoe was killed by Marc Antony at Cleopatra's request.

Only two of Cleopatra's sisters were actually killed. Her sister, also named Cleopatra, died possibly of natural causes. Her sister Berenice was killed by their father and her sister Arsinoe was killed by Marc Antony at Cleopatra's request.

Only two of Cleopatra's sisters were actually killed. Her sister, also named Cleopatra, died possibly of natural causes. Her sister Berenice was killed by their father and her sister Arsinoe was killed by Marc Antony at Cleopatra's request.

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12y ago

Only two of Cleopatra's sisters were actually killed. Her sister, also named Cleopatra, died possibly of natural causes. Her sister Berenice was killed by their father and her sister Arsinoe was killed by Marc Antony at Cleopatra's request.

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Cleopatra's sisters were named Cleopatra VI, Berenice IV, and Arsinoe IV.

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Her older sister was killed by her father. Her younger sister, Arsinoe, was killed by Marc Antony's orders at Cleopatra's insistance.

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None. Cleopatra had three sisters. Cleopatra VI, we know virtually nothing about. Berenice married a cousin and a week later had him killed then married a Greco/Egyptian named Archelaos. Arsinoe did not marry.

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