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Romeo killed Paris. It was kind of a bummer.

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Q: Who killed Paris near the Capulet tomb?
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What happens between Romeo and Paris in front of Capulet tomb?

They fight and Paris is killed.

Who died in the Capulet tomb?


Why did romeo lay Paris in the Capulet tomb?

After Romeo injured Paris. Paris told him "Lay me in the tomb with Juliet". Romeo agrees and put him in the tomb with Juliet.

What does Romeo say when he encounters Paris at the Capulet's tomb?

He says for Paris to walk away and leave him be.

Why is Paris at the Capulet's tomb at the beginning of act 5?

because he wanted to pay respects to his dead bride

How did Paris die?

Romeo kills him when Paris tries to arrest him. Paris is under the impression that Romeo is hanging around the Capulet tomb to desecrate it.

Does Romeo kills Paris in Romeo and Juliet?

yes because Paris killed mercutio in a fight. < This is wrong Romeo kills Tybalt because Tybalt killed mercutio in a fight. Paris plans to get married to Juliet but on the day of their wedding Juliet dies. So Paris never dies.<~ This is also wrong, Romeo kills Tybalt because he killed Mercutio and Romeo also kills Paris because he provoked him in the Capulet tomb. So Paris does die.

Why is Paris at Juliets tomb when Romeo arrives?

Juliet was betrothed to Paris by their parents. He was there to mourn her.

Why is Paris at the tomb and what happen to him?

It is unclear why Paris is at the tomb, but he is killed by Romeo in a duel. Paris dies defending Juliet's honor and seeking to stop Romeo from disturbing the tomb.

How do the bodies of Paris and Juliet all end up in the Capulet's tomb?

Juliet pretends to be dead by taking a potion that makes her appear lifeless. Romeo, believing she is truly dead, takes his own life next to her in the Capulet's tomb. Juliet awakens to find Romeo dead and then takes her own life with his dagger.

Where is Romeo and Juliet's grave located?

Romeo and Juliet is a play. A fiction. The characters are also a fiction. Hence their graves only exist, if at all, in the play. Nonetheless the supposed grave of Juliet is a highlight of a visit in Verona... ah! Tourists!

Does Romeo die in Capulet tomb?

Yes, Romeo dies in the Capulet tomb after believing Juliet is dead. He drinks poison and dies beside her before she awakens.