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The Laestrygonians

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Q: Who kills the most of Odysseus' crew?
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Who kills Odysseus' crew after they eat the cows?

They eat the cows and Zeus decides to killthem.

What was odysseus' reaction after killing Helios' cattle?

After Odysseus kills the Helios' cattle, he is not sure what to do. He realizes it was a mistake and shortly afterward they kill his crew.

Who kill most of Odysseus's crew?

The Laestrygonians

What strategies does Odysseus use to overcome Scylla?

He doesn't over come Scylla once scylla kills 6 of his crew members that get out

Who is the first suitor Odysseus kills?

Antinous is the first suitor Odysseus kills.

Who opened the bag of winds?

Odysseus' crew did. They believed Odysseus was hiding treasure from the rest of the crew.

What happens to the last of Odysseus' crew?

The last of Odysseus' crew drown after Zeus splinters the boat with lightning.

What did the Lastrygonians eat in The Odyssey?

They ate Men, they were cannibals. Most of Odysseus' crew was eaten.

How does Odysseus save his crew from sirens song?

he made his crew put wax earplugs in their ears. he himself wanted to hear the sirens beautiful music, so he asked his crew to tie him to the mast, the foundation of a sail. Odysseus's crew ties Odysseus very tightly to the mast, and disarmed him. When the were going past the sirens, Odysseus was screaming and yelling at his crew to let him go to the sirens. The crew obviously did not hear him because they had the wax ear plugs. That is how Odysseus saved his crew from the sirens.

What does Odysseus crew do while he is sleeping?

While Odysseus is lured into sleep by Cronus, the crew eat the cattle of Helios, even though Odysseus specifically said not too.

How does Odysseus know Elpenor?

Elpenor is an Ithacan, and a member of Odysseus' crew.

What symbolizes when Odysseus kills the cyclops?

Odysseus did not kill the cyclops Polyphemus.