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Romeo slips out the window of Juliet's bedroom just before her mother shows up.

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Q: Who leaves Juliet's chambers just before Lady Capulet arrives?
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What condition does lord caplet make on juliets behalf concerning the proposal?

Lord Capulet's condition is that Paris must wait two years before marrying Juliet to ensure that she is mature enough to handle such a commitment.

How does lord Capulet express love and anger?

Lord Capulet expresses love through his desire to see Juliet happy and cared for, such as when he arranges her marriage to Paris. He also shows anger when Juliet defies his wishes, reacting impulsively and harshly, such as when she refuses to marry Paris. His emotions highlight the complexity of his character.

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Lady Capulet explains that Capulet arranged Juliet's marriage to Paris so suddenly because he wants her to marry before she gets too old and misses her chance to be a mother.

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Yes, Romeo dies in the Capulet tomb after believing Juliet is dead. He drinks poison and dies beside her before she awakens.

A bit later Capulet appears to change his mind about Paris's question What does Capulet then tell Pairs?

Capulet tells Paris that he needs to win Juliet's heart and consent before they can proceed with the marriage. He advises Paris to woo Juliet and gain her affection before rushing into marriage.

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What is Juliets dads response after she said that she will marry Paris?

"Quick! Let's have the wedding now, before she changes her mind again!"

Is juliets back up plan to use a dagger in case the potion doesn't work?

Yes, Juliet's backup plan is to use a dagger if the potion doesn't work. She fears waking up in the tomb before Romeo arrives and chooses to have the dagger as a way to prevent herself from a painful death if the potion fails.

How does Capulet first react to the presence of the mask makers?

Capulet is initially puzzled and curious about the presence of the mask makers at his house. He asks who they are and what they are doing there before allowing them to stay.

In scene 4 what does Capulet tell Paris?

Capulet tells Paris to Get ready for the wedding and pick up Juliet.

In act 1 scene 2 Paris ask Capulet for Juliet's hand in marriage. what is Capulet's reply?

Capulet tells Paris that Juliet is too young and he wants her to wait a few more years before getting married. He suggests that Paris should woo Juliet and win her affection before proceeding with the marriage proposal.

Was Juliette a Montague or a Capulet?

One person answered: Capulet - it was Capulet's desire to have his daughter, Juliet, marry within the family or in other words Paris. However, this is wrong. Paris is a relative of Duke Escalus, which is why he says at the end of the play that he has lost "a brace of kinsmen" (Paris and Mercutio). Juliet had never met Paris before the party where she also meets Romeo. Paris is neither Montague nor Capulet