

Who led England to defeat the Spanish Armada?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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Lord Howard of Effingham and Francis Drake

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Q: Who led England to defeat the Spanish Armada?
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Faster ships

Who led the spanish armada defeat?

The Spanish Armada was led be the Duke of Medina Sidonia and the English Fleet commanded by Lord Howard of Effingham and Francis Drake

Who led the british navy during the spanish armada?

the Duke of Medina Sedona led the Spanish Armada. Francis Drake led England

Which man led the defeat on the Spanish Armada?

Lord Howard of Effingham and Francis Drake

Who led the spanish armada for England?

Lord Howard of Effingham and Francis Drake

What major event led to England's dominance of the seas?

After the defeated of the Spanish Armada

Who led Spain in the spanish armada?

The duke led the spanish armada his name was; The duke of medina sidonia.

What were the effects of England's defeat of the Spanish Armada?

Some of the results of the Spanish Armada were the Spanish economy was in trouble. The gold and the silver that Spain received from the Americas caused high inflation.It signaled the decline of great European power. It also caused Spain's economy to crash. This defeat proved that England had the power to defend itself. And in the end, England remained an independent and Protestant nation.

What important change had taken place in England by 1585?

The Anglo-Spanish war began in 1585 CE. In 1585 England sent a military expedition to the Netherlands to support the resistance of the States General to the Habsburg rule. This is what began the war and led to the defeat of the Spanish Armada.

Who led the defeat of the Spanish Armada?

The overall command was by Lord Howard of Effingham (1st Earl of Nottingham), but the vice admiral of the British Fleet was the famous Sir Francis Drake.

Who led the Spanish fleet against the Spanish Armada of 1588?

It Was Actually Admiral George Dewey

What was the event that led to the eclipse of Spanish power and the Ascendancy of the English in 1588?

the sinking of the Spanish Armada