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Q: Who looks after human's teeth?
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looks to me snails dont have teeth

What do humans canine do?

The purpose of the human canine teeth is to hold food in place to tear or rip it. The canine teeth are the largest teeth in a humans mouth.

Do humans have maxillary teeth?


Can you get new teeth after your permanent teeth?

No, humans only have two sets of teeth in their lifetime

How do humans chew?

humans chew up and down (with their teeth)

Why are humans deciduous teeth replaced with permanent teeth?

to think wisely

How many molar teeth do humans have?

8 + 4 wisdom teeth

How many molar teeth humans have?

8 + 4 wisdom teeth

Which creature born without teeth?

Humans are born without teeth.

Can teeth regenerate?

Not in humans. Some animals and fish can regenerate their teeth.

How many permenent teeths in humans?

Including wisdom teeth, adult humans should have 32 teeth.