

Who made standard oil very large and very rict?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: Who made standard oil very large and very rict?
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What is standard form used for?

Standard form or scientific notation is used to write a very large or very small number.

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Most caves are small but some are very large and complex. There is no standard size and finding an "average" is not very useful.

How is scientific notation useful?

Scientific notation (also called standard form or exponential notation) is a way of writing numbers that accommodates values too large or small to be conveniently written in standard decimal notation

Why do you have standard form?

There are many different standard forms: standard forms of numbers, of linear equations, of circles, etc. The standard form of numbers simplifies working with very large and very small numbers.

When is standard form more useful?

It is useful when dealing with very small or very large numbers.

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Standard form is a way of writing down very large or very small numbers. It is not too useful for 52 which is 25. But we would write it as 2.5x10. That is the standard form.

A method of writing very large or very small numbers by using the powers of 10?

It is scientific notation or standard form

What is a method of writing very large or very small numbers by using power of 10s?

Scientific notation or standard form

A method of writing very large or very small numbers by using powers of ten?

scientific notation or standard form

What is standard form used for in everyday life?

Working with very large or very small numbers, in economics or science, for example.

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Unfortunately, a 'bazillion' is just a figurative number used to express very large quantities. It has no standard form.

What is 9910000000 in standard form?

9.91 x 109 Standard form generally puts very large or very small numbers into an understandable notation. However, both numbers are the same.