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Q: Who made sure that the government officials did their jobs?
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anyone in their right mind can :)

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The Censorate was part of the Chinese bureaucracy that made sure government officials were doing their jobs, during the Qin dynasty.

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theocracy or theocratic. Didn't you read the lesson? Are you sure you want to cheat on your segment exam?

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Thomas J made drastic changes in goverment, Especially towards People relationship. He tried to make equal-opinions in People and Goverment. He also made sure People were elected officials, and can bring down officials. by: Vivek Patel.

What changes did Jefferson try to make in the relationship between government and the people?

Thomas J made drastic changes in goverment, Especially towards People relationship. He tried to make equal-opinions in People and Goverment. He also made sure People were elected officials, and can bring down officials. by: Vivek Patel.

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In Rome's government the consuls made sure no dictator got to much power and made other decisions for the government of Rome. The highest officials in the Roman Republic were the consuls. The consuls commanded and led the army. They also made sure that taxes were collected and laws carried out. A consul held office for only one year, so that made it difficult for any consul to grow to powerful

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To apply for Ohio government jobs you have to fill out an online application. You will have to answer a few questions. Make sure that you are qualified for the job, there will be a list of minimum requirements.

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In roman republic the consuls were officials who did what?

In Rome's government the consuls made sure no dictator got to much power and made other decisions for the government of Rome. The highest officials in the Roman Republic were the consuls. The consuls commanded and led the army. They also made sure that taxes were collected and laws carried out. A consul held office for only one year, so that made it difficult for any consul to grow to powerful

Who approves government officials?

In the federal government, the President has the power to approve or veto a law.

What was the most important means the Framers used to make sure government officials would observe the constitutional limits on their powers?

free and fair elections

Who made sure that transcontinental railroad would be built?

The us government