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Q: Who made the first encounter with the Cheyenne Indians?
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What did the cheyenne live in and what is it made out of?

The Cheyenne Indians lived in tepees. Tepees are made out of buffalo skin.

How did the cheyenne Indians made the lodges?

Genital warts

What were the cheyenne Indians tools made of?

buffalo bones

What are the Cheyenne Indians clothes made of?

Buffalo or Deer

What did the Cheyenne Indians make?

they made things out of clay and twigs

Who made decisions for Cheyenne Indians?

Their Chief Dull Knife!

How do the Cheyenne Indians make a living?

they made aiving by sellin a fortune

How did the horse affect the lives of the Cheyenne Indians?

it made it much easier to hunt

What is there to know about Cheyenne Indians?

The Cheyenne Indians lived in Wisconsin(mostly). they ate deer meat and hunted buffalo. the men wore breach clothes made of deerskin and the woman wore deerskin dresses!

What were the Cheyenne Indians tepees made of?

err, idk go check another wesbite ;Dyeshh pplszz its aw3s0m3luvagirlyyy :P!

How did Cheyenne live prior to the arrival of Europeans?

Before the arrival of Europeans, Cheyenne Indians traded with other tribes and often fought with others as well. They were nomads and made different types of clothes and shoes.

What art did the cheyenne Indians do?

they did whatever you think they did yeah yeah yeah yeah uh huh alright they made art does that answer your questions