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As of the time I write this, that would be 1913. Nobody made TVs in 1913. There may have been some early experimental devices meant to transmit moving images wirelessly, but these would not really qualify as televisions.

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Q: Who made tv's 100 years ago?
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penacillion . tv. telephone . wheel . light . revaluation .

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Life 100 years ago was very diffrent to it is now. For a start most homes where without electric connection which means that they would have not had tv, computers ect. fathers where the head of the house hold with out no challanger. girls and boys would of bean made to work hard and if they did something wrong at school they would have got beated.

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Thousands of things. Microwave oven for instance. Jet engines televisions etc etc etc

What cable network made its TV debut 32 years ago?

ESPN was launched on September 7, 1979.