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Tactical decisions, which focus on more intermediate-term issues, are typically made by middle managers.

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Q: Who makes tactical decisions in an organization?
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Related questions

Who makes tactical decisions when there is no middle management?

It should be noted that in many "flatter" organizations, where the middle management level has been eliminated, both tactical and operational decisions are made by lower-level management and/or teams of employees.

What are tactical decisions?

Tactical decisions support the strategic decision of the organisation. They tend to be of medium significance with moderate consequences.

What are the tactical goals of an organization?

tactical goals of a FOR PROFIT organization is to maximize shareholders wealth. Goals of a NOT-FOR-PROFIT organization are to fulfill its mission statement to the best of its ability.

Who makes strategic decisions in an organization?

Strategic decisions, which affect the long-term direction of the entire company, are typically made by top managers.

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Who makes operational decisions in an organization?

Operational decisions focus on day-to-day activities within the company and are typically made by lower-level managers.

Which maintenance organization operates at the tactical level?


Which general staff position conducts tactical operations develops the tactical objectives and organization and directing all tactical resources?

a. Operations Section Chief

Who makes most of the important decisions in an oligarchy?

A small group of people having control of a country or organization. therefore its a group decison

Who makes most of the governmental decisions in an oligarchy?

A small group of people having control of a country or organization. therefore its a group decison

What is the definition of centralization and its advantages and disadvantages?

A centralized organization is one in which one person makes all of the decisions. An advantage to that is that the organization is always in sync. A disadvantage is the fact that it will take longer to react to the industry.

Who makes most of the important governmental decisions in oligarchy?

A small group of people having control of a country or organization. therefore its a group decison