

Who most likely lived in concentration camps?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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More than likely, it was:

1) Individuals who were in excellent health prior to being put in a concentration camp...

2) People with certain useful skills...

3) People with 'connections' who could barter for food, etc. while on the inside.

4) People who could perform hard labour.

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From 1940 onwards most of the very large concentration camps were in Poland or in areas annexed from Poland. they varied all in germany. Europe held a lot of the concentration camps. they lived in germany.

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In concentration camps the main causes of death were disease and starvation, exhaustion would lead to death in a variety of ways, the most likely being beaten to death. Or they would be sent to a death camp and gassed.

What happened to the Nazis after the concentration camps were liberated?

If you are asking about the guards, the answer is that a few were put on trial, and some fled to Latin America, but most 'lived happily ever after'.

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Auschwitz-Birkenau, (Poland)

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I think because of the Holocaust, most of the concentration camps were in Europe.