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Q: Who needs more sleep a teenager or a baby?
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How to change the sleep of baby from day to night?

Follow the baby's needs and allow the baby to sleep whenever he/she wants. Trying to control this will just upset the baby. In time, the baby will develop a more normal sleeping pattern.

How much sleep do you all need?

people need between 8 to 11 hours of sleep depending on their age and health. For example; a teenager needs a minimum of 9 hours of sleep a night while an adult only needs between 7 to 9. The more sleep a person gets, the better it is for their well being.

Who has more bones an adult an baby a teenager?

A teenager. In a new-born baby smaller bones have not developed yet. The palm of a baby's hand (for example) has no bones, only cartilage. The cartilage turns into bones as the baby grows.

Does dany need more sleep?

Yes, Dany needs heaps more sleep .

Is it better to get 8 or 9 hours of sleep if you are a teenager?

When your a teenager you need as much sleep as you can get, because you will be more alert during the day and you will be able to think clearer. You need to get as much sleep as you can :) Kautilya-I agree.But actually it depends,if u are exhausted,let your body rest as much as it wants.But usually for every teenager,8 hours of sleep is very necessary.

What does a child do more of once they become a teenager?

Argue, Eat, Party, Sleep, Date, Talk on the Phone, Shop

How long will it be until the baby comes?

I'm assuming you are young if you are asking how long until the baby comes. You are pregnant for 40 weeks and the baby usually comes anywhere between 38 and 42 weeks. Sometimes earlier if you are a teenager. It is more common to give birth to a premature baby if you are a young teenager.

Can lack of sleep during pregnancy affect the unborn baby and how?

The baby will get the sleep he needs but it's you who should be worried for yourself. Being tired and need ot sleep more is common during pregnancy so it's important to fix schedules etc so you get sleep. If it's a medical problem speak to your doctor. Without sleep we get sick and stress added on that can lead to problems in the pregnancy because you feel bad.It will get worse when the baby is born and then there's a increased risk for post partum depression.

How much sleep should someone who is fourteen be getting?

The average person should be getting around 8 hours of sleep but teenager's sometime's need more. I would sudgest a steady 9 hours of sleep.

What medicines can you give your baby to help him sleep?

Babies are designed by nature to follow their own cycles of sleep. If your baby is not sleeping as it should, then there may be something medically wrong that needs to be checked by a pediatrician.If you are just tired of taking care of the baby, then that is natural. Just hang in there and keep going. It will get easier after a while, until your child becomes a teenager. But that is a different topic.Just to make my point clear: I know of stories where mothers in Eastern Europe used to make tea from poppies that they would give to their babies to make them sleep. Since poppies are the source for the drug opium, many of the babies got an unintended overdose and died.My best advice: Unless there is a medical condition, enjoy the time you have with your son when he is awake, even if you wish he would sleep more.

Why pregnant woman need more energy then a unpregnant woman?

Pregnant women need more energy then an unpregnant women because the baby needs food to develop into a human being thus the Pregnant woman needs more energy PREGNANT WOMEN OFTEN HAVE TO SLEEP ALOT MORE ALSO. Hope this helps

A sentence with the word teenager in it?

The teenager was excited to start driving lessons and gain more independence.