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No one did; Albert Einstein did not create the atomic bomb.

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Albert Einstein did not work on the Manhattan Project, the secret American project to develop the atomic bomb during World War II. The project was ordered and led by the United States government, primarily by President Franklin D. Roosevelt and later overseen by President Harry S. Truman.

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Q: Who ordered Albert Einstein make the atomic bomb?
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Did Albert Einstein know the atomic bomb would work?

Yes, Albert Einstein signed a letter to President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1939 warning about the potential of atomic weapons. While he did not conduct the research himself, he was aware of the theoretical calculations and implications of nuclear fission that could lead to the development of an atomic bomb.

Did Einstein develop the atomic bomb?

No, Albert Einstein did not develop the atomic bomb, which was developed by a team of researchers led by J. Robert Oppenheimer. Einstein's theoretical work does provide the basis upon which the bomb was developed.

What atomic bomb did Albert Einstein make?

Albert Einstein did not make an atomic bomb. He was a theoretical physicist who wrote a letter to President Franklin D. Roosevelt warning about the potential of nuclear weapons and the need to develop them, which ultimately led to the Manhattan Project and the creation of the atomic bomb.

How did Albert Einstein invent the atomic bomb?

Albert Einstein did not invent the atomic bomb. He was a physicist who signed a letter to President Roosevelt in 1939 warning of the potential of atomic weapons and the need for the US to pursue nuclear research. The atomic bomb was actually developed by a team of scientists, including J. Robert Oppenheimer, as part of the Manhattan Project during World War II.

What did Albert Einstein do after he helped to build the atomic bomb?

After helping to build the atomic bomb, Albert Einstein became an advocate for nuclear disarmament. He spoke out against the proliferation of nuclear weapons and called for peaceful uses of atomic energy.