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James Hutton, a Scottish physician and geologist, is credited as the father of modern geology. In 1785, he formulated the doctrine of uniformitarianism, establishing the uniformity between past and present geological processes. James Hutton, a Scottish physician and geologist, is credited as the father of modern geology. In 1785, he formulated the doctrine of uniformitarianism, establishing the uniformity between past and present geological processes.

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The original concept originated from James Hutton in the late 18th century. The concept was then edited and improved by John Playfair. The concept was made popular by Charles Lyell in his book, The Principles of Geology. The concept was actually titled uniformitarianism by William Whewell.

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The concept of uniformitarianism in geology was first proposed in the 11th century by thePersian geologist, Avicenna (Ibn Sina, 980-1037) (wikipedia)

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Douglas McGregor

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james Hutton

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James Hutton

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Q: Who outlined the principle now called uniformitarianism?
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The idea that processes occurring now on Earth are much the same as those that occured long ago is called what?


What states that the same geological processes happen now that happened in the pat?


How has the science of geology changed?

The science of geology has changed because scientists now realize that not all geologic changes are uniformitarianism, and that catastrophism exists.

How the principle of uniformitarianism and evidence from index fossils supports the existence of Pangaea?

well cant say how uniformitarianism would support it but as far as index fossils go think about the fact that a for a single species to survive on multiple continents at same time it would need the same environment and apparently its not the case now but Pangaea was a single continent @ one place with single environment. so if any index fossils spread across multiple continents point towards them being of same environment and the most logical explanation is them being at the similar lat-long which sort of points us towards the idea that is Pangaea!

What is the idea that layers of sediment are always deposited horizontally is called?

It is called the 'Principle of Original Horizontality' and was proposed by the Danish geological pioneer Nicholas Steno (1638-1686). This principle states that layers of sediment are originally deposited horizontally. However, please note that it is now known that not all sedimentary layers are deposited purely horizontally and the principle is only an approximation of reality.

Related questions

Who is responsible for outlining the principle now called uniformitarianism?

Scottish geologist James Hutton is often credited with outlining the principles that later became known as uniformitarianism in his work "Theory of the Earth" published in 1788. This principle suggests that the same geological processes observed in the present day have been shaping the Earth's surface over long periods of time.

Huttons observations of the geologic forces around him allowed him to infer that these same geologic process had operated in the past this idea is now referred to as?

the principle of uniformitarianism

The idea that processes occurring now on Earth are much the same as those that occured long ago is called what?


What did James Hutton study or conclude?

The 'principle of uniformitarianism' basically means the present is the key to the past. The processes you can see happening on Earth now and the structures they produce were operating just the same in times past.

What states that the same geological processes happen now that happened in the pat?


What states the the same geologic process that's happening now happen in the past?


Compare and contrast the big bang theory vs uniformitarianism?

The big bang theory fits the evidence as we now know it, uniformitarianism is just a lost remnant of the concept that the universe has always been here.

What is one example of geologic evidence supporting uniformitarianism that Darwin observed in his travel?

Darwin found much evidence supporting the ideas of uniformitarianism. For example, he found fossil shells of marine organisms high up in the Andes mountains.

What are the essays by publius called now?

The Federalist Papers consisted of 85 essays signed by Publius. The Federalist Papers outlined how the new government of United States would operate and why.

How has the science of geology changed?

The science of geology has changed because scientists now realize that not all geologic changes are uniformitarianism, and that catastrophism exists.

How does a volcano erupting show uniformitarianism?

Uniformitarianism is the assumption that the same natural laws and processes that operate in the universe now, have always operated in the universe in the past. Thus the processes and results of a volcano erupting now are assumed to be the same as or similar to volcanoes of the past. This allows us to interpret the geological structures deposited by fossil volcanoes and infer the processes that caused them.

What does uniforitarianism mean?

Uniformitarianism is the assumption that the same natural laws and processes that operate in the universe now have always operated in the universe in the past and apply everywhere in the universe