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Zhou Wuwang Ji Fa.

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Q: Who over threw the Shnag dynasty?
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Who over threw qin dynasty?

Liu Bang over threw the Qin dynasty.

How was the Shang Dynasty able to replace the xia dynasy?

The Shang threw a BIG party and then they asked the Xia to come. Eventually the Shang ended up killing the Xia. That's how the Shang took over the other dynasty.

Who took over the shang dynasty?

The Zhou (JOH) dynasty took over after the Shang Dynsty. They did that by proclaiming that they had the Manidate of Heaven, which was a divine right to rule China.

When did the zhou dynasty rule over the Shang Dynasty?

It didn't because the zhou was the king of the shang dynasty

What is the difference between a dynasty and a state?

A dynasty is about persons that form a dynasty over the years; a state is a piece of land with borders with water or other states. It is possible that a dynasty, formed by a family reigns over a state.

How long was Ramses the great dynasty?

His dynasty lasted over 60 years

How did the idea of the Mandate of Heaven help the Zhou take over the Shang Dynasty?

The Zhou dynasty said the shang dynasty was fake

When the Han took over China from the Qin they began a what?

When the Han dynasty took over China from the Qin dynasty they started a dynastic cycle.

What are some of the Zhou dynasty achievements?

One achievement the Zhou dynasty made waz taking over the Shang dynasty.

What god over threw Cronus and what was his relationship to him?

Zeus over threw Cronus, Zeus was his youngest son.

When did the Qin dynasty take over?


Why slave dynasty is called slave dynasty?

slave dynasty is called the slave dynasty because all the slaves , or the prime ministers ruled over delhi during delhi sultanate.